Contemporary art is designed to make us think. It should provide a social function, challenging our understanding of the world in which we live and how we operate within it.
Christian Black does just that.
A natural voyeur of emotions his works purpose is to reflect the current social climate, focus on complex subject and offering unique interpretations. His work helps raise difficult questions in turn evoking a voyeur of emotion individual experience for the observer.
Powerful and insightful, Christian Black’s latest exhibition tells a story of the current Human Condition in Contemporary Los Angeles and poses the question how did things get so bad in California?
Over a 10 year period Christian Black has been documenting the Californian downfall. His latest work showcases the breakdown of the civil system and the backlash from decriminalization, prison reform, drug addiction, and the cost saving deinstitutionalizing of mental health facilities which has resulted in the demise of mankind and the transition to Los Angeles’ brutal style of homelessness.
It is said that "understanding the problem is the more important half of the solution" so Christian's main objective is to use all the proceeds from the sales of his Artwork to create a permanent and supportive housing program which offers a safe and stable housing environment for the homeless.